Friday, January 27, 2006

Posting Comments

It has come to my attention that people are viewing this blog but comments aren't registering.

I'm not sure why this is (it's a hiccup of the site), but please check your comments have registered (it may take 2 attempts, sorry). If they haven't then please try again, we don't want to miss out on your input to the subjects here.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Is a Superjump Cheating?

This question is the bone of contemption and prevokes many discussions.

Is a Superjump Cheating? considering that some countries xboxs are unable to take advantage of this glitch.

Please post your comments.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Definition of Cheating?

What is the definition of cheating?

We would like to gather everyone's opinion on this so that we can come up with an over agreed upon defintion, that would become the premice of what we stand against.

So this is a chance for all those of you who have visited this blog, but are unsure that we'll cover the experiences that you've had, to voice your opinions.

Please use this chance to be heard, so post a comment (click the "comments" text at the bottom of each post).

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Of General Interest

Halo 3 News (ish)

Anybody else seen this:

What Bill says
What Peter says

Translation: We'll wait until the release of the film to release the game and make Micro$oft as much money as possible, as if we don't have enough already!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Hall of Fame 01

On a possitive note, we will be reporting on any good players we meet. The first of whose name goes up in lights is:

Gamertag: UnSeenOddity

Escelce and I played Multi-Team on Ascension (one of my fav maps) and were teamed up with this player. We had a great game (it's always great when you win!) and in the after game lobby this guy had a good friendly attitude, a really nice guy. For this we salute you into our Hall of Fame.

Name and Shame (Part 01)

Offenders Gamertag: xIxMODx4xU

This was a Double Team game featuring Escelce with Bert Racoon on Turf. The named player was above the main street of the map riding a Scarab (yes you heard me right) and using it's weapons to kill the opposition!

When talked to in the endgame lobby he said "Bungie don't care anymore!" and that he "hated the game, it's stupid and boring".

Well if these are your feelings GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE and stop ruining it for those that want to play, Idiot!

I think his Gamertag says it all, which poses the question, why doesn't Bungie just ban user Gamertags with "mod" in them?

Is this Guy Cheating?

Offenders Gamertag: RobertPR

Rumble Training
8:23 AM
Game Length: 00:07:54

This time Escelce and myself, playing Rumble Pit (Rumble Rifles) on Terminal.

Escelce sniped this player with 8 shots and he didn't die!
This player was also able to pick off at least 3 other players (myself included) in various positions around the map, within a second. As if he had some sort of auto aim.

It has been mentioned that Bungie have said that anyone above rank 35 is cheating, his it turns out is a 41. If this rank and the others on his stats are anything to go by, the answer to the question is: YES.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Halo Reporting System

There is the reporting system within Halo, but does this work?

We used to think it did, but since the xboxlive changes we tend to agree with one cheater we met online : "Bungie don't care anymore!" and another with "Microsoft wont stop me!"

Case Study:
Team Slayer
5:22 PM
Game Length: 00:08:44

Offenders Gamertags: DESTROYALL44 and Silo056

Escelce (pronounced S L C) and some other friends were playing Team Slayer on Terminal (see pics), when they witnessed the worse and blatent cheating with a modded xbox. The named players were able to traverse the map in record times, as well as float high above the map firing down.

The shots have been highlited for all to see and in second view, as you can see, the red circle is same shot diffrent angel from first pic.

When informed him that he would be reported, he laughed and retorted that "Microsoft wont even stop me!!"

All players in Escelce's team used the reporting system in the game. Halon even wrote an email regarding the subject to Bungie/Microsoft. But, if you check their stats on you'll find that they are still playing to this day (four months later!).

To let me know if you have any opinion regarding this or any of this other subjects in this blog, either use the comments tag in the bottom corner of this post or email me . Please sign all comments with your gamertag.

Oldskool Halo

I have been playing Halo online for around one and a half years now and when I first went on I loved it. The was a good vibe about the games, great friendly attitudes, players were helpful to beginners, it was a great community and I made many friends.

It took sometime for me to convince my friend (and fellow clan member: Escelce) to get the xboxlive starter kit and join us. Eventually he did and he played more and more online and loved it as I did.

But, in the first quarter of 2005 we started to notice a change in the experience, as did many others. The community had grown, which is a good thing, but "Trash Talk" became the norm in the end of game lobby. Less and less people would report "good game", instead more and more would report "you're all noobs", "you were owned", some comment about your mom, or derogatory comments about your race, creed or colour and much more.

Then in the later half of 2005 all sorts of cheating, modding and many other offences.

We used to come on Halo to have fun, relax and hone our skills in the game. But, since xboxlive went offline for a day we have noticed and even bigger amount of cheating/modding. This makes it difficult for those of us who want to play a fair game. Now it's come to a point where the game is more stressful than what we were taking time out from to relax.

Why can't we all just get along?

What's it all about?

Well the idea for starting up this blog has come from a group of us (players) that have become disheartened in recent months by what is happening to Halo 2 online (xbox live).

We felt the need to express our opinions about the cheating, modding, and attitudes.

We hope to keep a diary of things that happen and aim to name and shame anyone we feel is cheating in anyway.

On a positive note, we do love the game and will report on any good games or players with great attitude and oldskool Halo community.