I don't even need to ask the question, this time a ranked game (Team Slayer) against a team of outright MODDERS!!!
Offenders Gamertags:
h0st m0d
Darth holy
They R CheatingTeam Slayer
12:27 PM
Game Length: 00:06:46
The game started with the whole of our team dying instantly! and continued that way, with us contuinually spawning and dying. The rest of our team quit, but I stuck around to check things out (check out the stats, as a team we got "0" kills).
I was able to walk around once (about 5 steps), I had no HUD display or weapons (or hands!) and couldn't pick up any weapons. Everytime I died it said I was sniped (on Elongation? There's no sniper rifle!). I could see the other team running around (and hear them) showing off the different things they could do with their Mods. At the end of the game Darth holy even had the nerve to send me a friend request!?!
Now this is the kind of thing we have discussed before. We all lost ranks because of this game, I believe that if this sort of scum are caught and banned then we should be reimbursed our lost ranks!
For those of you interested the full game stats can be viewed